After if..else and if..elfi..else we move to looping structures. Looping is supported in the form of for and while. Again they work semantically the same but syntactically different.
Nested if..else
Nested if else statements can be useful to check multiple conditions. For example, given a number first check whether it is positive or negative then test the range in the respective domains.
The conditional structures like if, elseif, while and for in shell are exactly the same in semantics as the those found in the high level programming languages like Java, C, C++. The difference lies in the syntax.
Pipe is powerful utility in Linux which allows the user to execute a chain of commands together. Chaining is done in such a way that the output of one process (stdout) is the input to another (stdin).The symbol | is the Unix pipe symbol that is used on the command line.
The people who don't want to mess with their boot configuration or go through the pain of installing linux or just want to stick with windows but want to work with linux - this tutorial might be helpful. This tutorial gives a step by step guide on how to run ubuntu or fedora on Virtualbox on your windows machine.
When we type a command on the terminal we get an output corresponding to that command. But suppose we want to store the output to a file or redirect the output directly onto the printer then what should we do?